national politics Jimmy Carter: A Final Note In a time where chaos reigns, the memorial service for Jimmy Carter was a formal and traditional ritual that seemed almost anachronistic. It was as decent and gracious as the man himself.
national politics The President We Need A farmer. A Navy lieutenant. A pious man - faithful to God, country, wife, and family. A servant leader who risked his rank, reputation, and popularity for his nation and its people. James Earl Carter, Jr. was the kind of president we always "say" we want.
World History When Stupid is Dangerous History is often seen as an outline of man's continual advancement through time. In reality, it's one dumb, arrogant stumble after another.
Health Care Torches, Pitchforks, and Bullets There haven't been a lot of expressions of sympathy for the murder victim on social media. - from either the left or the right. What irony if the mob-style hit of an exec of a insurance corporation that is widely seen as predatory is the act that brings the nation together.
Food Turkeys that Kill* It seems that "food scientists" have come up with a new scare. Washing your turkey. That's right, rinsing off Big Bird in your sink can be fatal. The TeeVee lady said so!
Trump if Ken Burns did a Trump Documentary “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Election Surprise! and Welcome Trump 2.0! It was awful, and as all of our progressive friends are wringing their hands and rightfully telling us, 'it's gonna get awfuller.'
Election' TX Outlaw Writers: We Endorse... Shouldn't The Outlaws take a principled stand and endorse a candidate? We're not the type to sell out! I mean, we're willing to hear an offer, but you can count on us to do the right thing! (How much did you say again?)
Trump the girlfriend rule Which of your friends has gone to the Dark Side, politically speaking? Use the same observational skills you used when trying to get a deeper understanding of that attractive date you brought to meet your pals.
Energy Texas's Wobbly Marriage to Oil and Gas "The state has been flirting with some of those new-fangled energy sources. And maybe more than flirting, lately, we've jumped into bed with an eager, renewable energy mistress."
Culture Words, Words, Words Like any modern cultural contagion, nonsensical corporate blather has spread to civilian use, mainly via social media. We hardly do anything in person anymore, so you're likely to hear this junk being overused as you scroll your Facetagram pages, or whatever media you pay attention to.
Trump To Spite Your Face Trump lopped off his nose in the debate. In addition, his campaign, close allies, and the whole GOP are an army of noseless ghouls wreaking havoc on others. An entire political party bent on cutting off their nose simply to spite their face.
Election Death Branding and Other Cons "It is all marketing and brand because the reason people choose things 98 percent of the time is not rational. It’s emotional."
In Dire Need of Sex Who are these athletic, highly educated, successful, confident, independent women dating? MAGA men are discovering that it's not them. A flexed muscle, a dually truck with loud pipes, and a great pickup line just don't seem to impress the ladies like they used to.
Election What Would Molly Ivins Say? As we often do in times of political stress where we need a laugh and a bit of hope, we remember Molly Ivins, and wonder, "What the hell would she say about all of this?"
Election The Horrors, The Horrors "Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another." Was Cpt. Willard heading to the 2024 election?
Travel Everything is Fine They announced pre-boarding, and suggested that we all line up for our seating. "Except for those connecting to Nassau, your flight is canceled."
Trump The Debate Debate His falsehoods ranged from "oh, bullshit," to "this is the kinda crap that produces violent fury." Which is his M.O.
culture wars When the Elite Meet to Eat "You ain't gonna get any nouveau, amandine, thin crust, bottled water, sauteed city food. Food's brown, hot, and plenty of it." -Cookie, the Chuck Wagon cook in "City Slickers"
Culture Bears, More Bears, and a Trans Hippo Do modern Goldilocks have the right to appropriate bear culture? When we last left the fairy tale, the bear family was chasing her out of their house... Mama bear was NOT pleased to catch Goldi in the marital bed! Did anyone ask a damn bear how they felt about all of this?
Food We Done Runned Out of Skrimps! If you live in a town that only had a Sonic, a DQ, and a Billy Bob's Pizza Parlor, it can seem even more ritzy. The Lobster was to many, in a word, "fancy."
Economy The War on Youth The Greatest and Silent Generations understood the importance of a social contract. After having experienced World Wars and the Great Depression, they understood the need to build community. Then their kids (that's us, btw,) got greedy.
art The Road Goes On Forever and the Potty Never Ends "There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos"... and apparently a black crapper with blue LED lighting.